Our full health checkup provides you with thorough information regarding your health profile. You will gain tools and a detailed action plan for improving your health in the future.
115 €
The Checkup includes
An online health questionnaire
Initial assessment and consultation with your Personal Coach
Additional assessments (including fitness, nutrition, sleep and recovery tests)
Full health report (including feedback and action targets)
Goal review and initial action plan based on your health profile

6 full health domains
Our feeling of connection, support and ability to be authentic with others. Includes our significant relationships.
The degree to which we feel our lives are meaningful and aligned with our values.
How well our basic requirements for survival and safety are met. Includes finances, where we live and our work.
Our ability to be focused, alert and solve problems aka cognitive health.
Our overall physical health and function that determines how we feel, look and function.
Our ability to experience and express a full range of emotions in a healthy way.

skills to build full health
The skills of eating and drinking (what, how, where and why) that supports all the domains of Full Health.
Includes emotional regulation, mindset & self- awareness skills necessary for change and mental and emotional health.
Includes everything that contributes to balancing our overall stress load e.g. sleep quality and quantity or preparing for and managing stress.
The skills of physical fitness and movement…including stability, mobility, strength, power, balance, speed, agility, and conditioning.
115 €
Our full health checkup provides you with thorough information regarding your health profile. You will gain tools and a detailed action plan for improving your health in the future.
All factors of the human experience must be considered when assessing and changing our health, performance and overall life quality.
A Full Health view helps us become more aware of how our physical, emotional and mental health interacts with the environment we live in, the people around us and our sense of meaning and life purpose…beginning with how well our basic needs are being met.
With the complete picture of your Full Health, you will be able to see clearly which aspect of your health is the most important to focus on to best improve things overall.
Too often testing and health check ups leave us confused or without any next practical action steps to get started with.
With the Full Health Check Up, you will be connected to a simple and effective plan of action as determined by the priorities uncovered in your assessment and testing process.
Simply put, the Full Health Check Up will help put preventative health knowledge and actions firmly back in your hands so you can take strong steps towards your optimal health and life goals!
The Full Health check up begins with the Full Health questionnaire that you will submit prior to meeting with your coach. This will give you and your coach a full background and overview of your current ratings in Full Health.
Next you will book a time with one of our expert coaches and come to Stadifit facility where you will go through a series of assessments and physical tests. These will include movement, body composition, strength and sub-maximal endurance tests. You should bring with you comfortable clothing that you would normally use at the gym or for indoor movement such as dance, yoga or stretching.
Finally, during the same session your coach will take you through the results and co-create with you a plan of action based on those results.
You will receive: 3 report forms with your results and feedback from your coach, 1 action plan form that takes your Full Health results into account and links them to your current goals. Additionally, and depending on your assessment results, your action strategy may include tools or resources such as an exercise plan, to help you execute your action plan.
You will also be provided with 1 month access to the Stadifit facility as a starting point for your exercise needs.
The Full Health Check Up is for both men and women who see that their health is at the foundation of everything they do, whether being at their best for their careers, performing at the highest level in their activity or sport of choice or simply being the best version of themselves for their friends and family. It is for people who recognise that the years they can have to do the things they love, unimpaired with illness or injury, is crucial for the quality of their lives and those around them i.e. their healthspan is a priority for them.